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Does Protein Increase Uric Acid And Which Protein Is Good?

20-12-2023 Posted By : O-Lab Team Share :
Does Protein Increase Uric Acid And Which Protein Is Good? | O-Lab

Protein plays a vital role in maintaining overall health. However, it's crucial to balance this with the need to manage uric acid levels in the body. In this article, we will know whether protein increases uric acid. You will learn about the protein and uric acid connection or what science says.

Here is what you should know

It is known that the final product of purine metabolism is uric acid. This uric acid plays a vital role in scavenging free radicals. At normal ranges, uric acid does not cause problems in the human body. 

The problem arises only when its value exceeds the normal range, which we call hyperuricemia. It has long been known that if high levels of uric acid are there and if it forms crystals, there may be discomfort and joint damage due to the development of Gout; there can be the formation of uric acid, kidney stones, and even kidney failure in severe cases. 

The relationship between dietary protein intake and hyperuricemia could have been more apparent. Our bodies need protein for perfect health, but a high-protein diet will eventually be high in purines. So, how does one ensure the diet is rich in protein but does not lead to hyperuricemia? 

Also Read: - Uric Acid Normal Range In Female

We will answer your questions here.

What is the connection between protein and uric acid?

The connection between dietary protein and uric acid has been the subject of numerous studies, mainly when focusing on protein in diet and through supplements is gaining so much attention. 

Many studies have reported that protein can be safely taken via dairy products, especially non-fermented dairy products. Even though these have purines, they also increase the excretion of uric acid, thus not increasing serum uric acid levels. On the other hand, protein sources like chicken, meat, seafood, etc., lead to increased uric acid levels. 

If the uric acid levels are not too high and you don't suffer from a flare-up of Gout, you may include lean proteins in moderate amounts while altogether avoiding organ meats. Eggs are also low-purine foods. It is important to note that if one has hyperuricemia, it is advised to consult a healthcare provider to learn to include protein in the diet in ways that don't increase uric acid levels. Keeping yourself hydrated, avoiding junk food, moving your body, and eating fruits and vegetables can help improve symptoms.

Does plant protein increase uric acid?

Whether plant protein increases uric acid is one of the most common questions people have. Many studies have found that plant-based diets are anti-inflammatory, which may help people with hyperuricemia. Most plant-based foods like vegetables, nuts, and seeds are low in purines and can be good protein and other nutrient sources. Even legumes can be added in moderate amounts; soaking and rinsing may further help to include protein in the diet. Everyone responds differently to different foods, which must be considered before adding or omitting any food. 

Can whey protein increase uric acid? This is what science has to say.

The connection between whey protein and uric acid needs to be clarified. The association between dietary protein intake and hyperuricemia needs to be clarified. Some studies have shown that people who get most of their protein from meats and other animal proteins have higher chances of having higher uric acid levels. In contrast, those who consume more dairy products have lower uric acid concentrations because the excretion rate of uric acid is increased. 

The key lies in balance; moderate whey protein intake might be safe for most people. Remember that the body can utilize only as much protein so overdoing supplements can be harmful. Suppose someone has a risk of kidney disease or hyperuricemia.

In that case, it is better to stay in line with caution and take whey protein only after consulting with a doctor or nutritionist. For most people, a protein intake of 0.8gm/kg body weight to 1.2gm/kg body weight is sufficient. Most of this can be had through a balanced diet.

Which protein is good for uric acid?

Eating Right for High Uric Acid:

1. Start with the Basics: What you eat matters if you have high uric acid levels. One important thing is to balance the kind of protein you're getting.

2. Proteins to Choose:

  • Less Meat, More Lean: If you're prone to Gout or have kidney issues, it's wise to cut down on meats, especially organ meats like liver. Instead, go for lean options like chicken, but do just what is necessary.
  •  Veggie and Dairy Power: Dairy is safe, and if you're a vegetarian, nuts, seeds, and chickpeas are excellent protein sources without causing trouble for uric acid.

3. Gout Flare-Ups:

  • Watch What You Eat: When your Gout acts up, cutting back even more on high-protein foods is a good idea to help ease the symptoms.

4. Everyone's Different:

  • Personalize Your Plan: Remember that what works for one person might not work for another. Regular check-ups and talking to your doctor or a nutrition expert can help tailor your diet to what's best for you.

5. Drink Up:

  • Water Is Your Friend: Staying hydrated is super important. It helps your body get rid of extra uric acid.

6. Keep Your Plate Colorful:

  • Mix It Up: Eating a bit of everything—proteins, carbs, fats, vitamins, and minerals—is critical to staying healthy. Get advice from pros to make a diet that fits you.

Remember, keeping things balanced and adjusting your diet based on your needs can help you manage high uric acid levels easily and suit your lifestyle.


We hope this article answers your questions like "Does protein increase uric acid?", "Can you eat protein with high uric acid levels?" etc. Hyperuricemia can be treated as well as managed well with medications and sometimes with only lifestyle changes. If you don't have any underlying disease that requires you to restrict protein intake, you must try to get at least 0.8 gms of protein per kg of your body weight. 

Contact us at O-Lab in Jammu for a speedy, affordable, and accurate uric acid blood test. 

Frequently Asked Questions About Protein and Uric Acid

  1.  Does chicken increase uric acid?

As a high-protein food source, chicken has the potential to raise uric acid levels. It is a moderate source of purines that break down to form uric acid. But it is a moderate purine food so you may have it in limited quantities in your diet, and a doctor/dietician can help you decide the quantity and frequency. Make sure to avoid organ meat. Have a sufficient quantity of water throughout the day. Avoid using broths and stocks to cook chicken as they may further raise purine levels. Some chicken parts are shallow in purines. In case of a gout flare-up, altogether avoid chicken and other meats. 

  1. Does protein powder increase uric acid?

Higher uric acid levels are found in case the body cannot clear this waste product correctly or is making a lot of uric acid. It is important to note that this is the end product of purine metabolism, and purines mostly come from protein sources.

If one has issues predisposing the person to have higher uric acid levels or the diet has excessive protein, one may have higher uric acid levels. For most people, protein powder in a quantity fit for your age, gender, physical activity, and health status will not cause any problems. This is why it is better to consult a healthcare provider to know if you can safely take protein powder. It is better to opt for plant-based protein supplements if there is a risk that protein powder can increase uric acid levels in your case. 

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