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A Daily Sitting Exercise Routine and Chair Exercises for Seniors

03-04-2023 Posted By : Olab Team Share :
A Daily Sitting Exercise Routine and Chair Exercises for Seniors | O-Lab

Daily sitting exercise routine

Modern lifestyle has made humans sedentary, and most of us don’t move around as much. Due to long hours at work, a huge number of people have to sit on chairs all day. This behavior, when followed for a long time, causes a plethora of health problems.

According to a study, people who sit all day are at a higher risk of morbidity and mortality. The impact is on multiple systems including Cardiovascular system and Musculoskeletal system. This is why you should never ignore your health and move around whenever you get a chance. 

Sitting exercises are good for everyone who sits on a chair for long stretches of time.

Sitting exercises for seniors

Seniors should make a daily sitting exercise routine that they should follow religiously.

Sitting exercises are done while sitting on a chair and are a great way to get some exercise without putting excessive stress on your body. Everyone can stay active without having to use equipment or going anywhere. These exercises improve posture, flexibility, muscle strength, balance and blood circulation.

Exercises to do while sitting on a chair

Knee extensions

This exercise is great for those who wish to enhance the strength of their legs and strengthen their knee joints.

  • Sir straight on an armless chair. Place your feet on the floor and try to keep your knees close together.

  • Now lift and bring one leg right in front. Hold the leg for 1 second and then bring it back and rest it on the floor. 

  • You have to do this for both legs and repeat.

Hip march

This exercise may help you get increased flexibility in the thigh and hip area.

  • Make sure you are sitting straight on the chair. Hold the sides of the chair. Make sure you have an armless chair.

  • Now, start with lifting one leg without straightening the knee. Keep the knee bent while making sure that the sole of the foot faces downwards.

  • Put the foot back on the floor with complete control. Now do this for both legs, one at a time.

Core twists

If you want to exercise your core and spine, you may want to try this.

  • Get seated on the front edge of the chair. Make sure your back is straight.

  • Plant your feet flat on the floor with your feet apart at hip width.

  • Hold together your hands in front of your chest so that your elbows face outwards.

  • In this position, twist from your waist towards the left till you are comfortable. Do this for the opposite side and continue.

Chest stretches

Stretching is very important for your chest since your upper body does most of the work even if you are sitting at your desk all day.

  • Just sit up on the outside edge of the chair. Make sure you are comfortable and steady with your back straight.

  • Now bring your shoulders back and extend your arms towards the side.

  • Push your chest forward. You should be feeling a stretch at this point. Hold this position for 5 seconds and repeat.

Arms stretching

Arm stretching is a great way to strengthen and tone the muscles in your arms. Your arms and shoulders will get toned if you do this exercise properly.

  • Sit comfortably on a chair with your back straightened.

  • With your palms facing ahead, raise your arms to your sides. Your arms should be wide open.

  • Take them up as far as you can and feel the stretch.

  • Now bring them back to their initial position. Repeat this several times.

Hamstring stretches

Most people who sit all day have tight hamstrings. Without stretching your hamstrings, you are more likely to have strained and weak muscles.

  • Sit comfortably on a chair with your back straight. Bring one leg forward.

  • Now, you have to try reaching your toes if you can.

  • If you are able to hold your toes, stay in this position for a few seconds.

  • Now relax and repeat this with the other leg.

Neck stretch

This is one of the best sitting exercises for seniors as well as working people. You can do such sitting exercises without any equipment and stay fit.

You will be able to loosen your tightened neck.

  • Sit straight and put your left hand on your right shoulder.

  • Try to hold your shoulder down while tilting your head to the left. You will feel a good stretch on your neck.

  • Hold the stretch for five seconds and repeat 3 times for each side.

Wrist stretching

If you have a sitting job and need to work at a computer desk all day, this sitting exercise will be great for you. This is one of the easiest exercises that you can do on a chair.

  • Just lift your wrist in front of you and do ten clockwise rotations. Then do ten anti-clockwise rotations. Do this with both the wrists.

  • You can also get a good stretch by extending your arms and pressing your palm with the other hand.

  • Once you are done stretching, shake your hands to loosen up.

    Frequently asked questions

    What exercises do I do if I sit all day?

    If your work demands sitting all day at a desk, it might be a good idea to move around whenever you can. Make sure you get up from your desk for a few minutes and walk around. Take stairs whenever you can and be mindful about getting any kind of physical activity. If you want, you can do sitting exercises on a chair during these breaks, where you can stretch different body parts.

    How long should I exercise if I sit all day?

    If you sit all day for work, you should be getting at least one hour of exercise every day. If you make sitting exercises a part of your routine, you will be able to avoid many problems that occur due to sitting for long hours.

    Is it good to exercise while sitting?

    There are a lot of effective exercises that can be done while sitting. Sitting exercises can help you improve the following.

    • Posture

    • Core strength

    • Blood circulation

    • Joint flexibility

    • Balance

    • Overall fitness

    If you lead a sedentary lifestyle or have mobility issues, do consider getting a full body health checkup every six months or at least once a year. 

    At O-Lab, we offer comprehensive health packages with fast reporting time and accurate results. You can also check out tailor made packages for women and senior citizens. 

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